Managing Stress in our Daily Lives

Stress may have you tearing your hair out or the effects of it may be showing in less obvious ways that are eating away at your quality of life and relationship. Maybe sometimes you wish the world would stop just for a moment so you could step off and catch your breath for a bit. You’d love to find out more about how you can find relief from stress and how to avoid some of what’s causing you stress in the first place.

This course offers people a chance to understand their own stress better and to discover ways to break the cycle of stress and set up a cycle of wellness instead.


Topics will be explored in a personal way so that people can become more aware of how they react to stress and make choices around responding to it. The following topics may be covered:

  • What is stress?
  • The stress cycle
  • The effects of stress
  • Stress that can be avoided
  • Techniques for dealing with stress that cannot be avoided
  • Accepting support
  • Making times for ourselves
  • Relaxation
  • Visualisation
  • Managing time

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